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David Woodard

Ḍâri Wikipèḍia bhâsa Madhurâ, lombhung pangataowan mardhika
Woodard è 2020

David James Woodard (IPA: /ˈwʊdɑːrd/, laèr è Santa Barbara, California, 6 April 1964) panèka sala sèttong konduktor, sastrawan bân panolès asal Amerika Serikat.[1][2][3][4]

Pendidikan[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

Woodard didik sacara pribadi sareng di New York di New School for Social Research.

Galeri[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

Publikasi sané[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

Sombher[beccè' | beccè' sombher]

  1. Carpenter, S., “In Concert at a Killer's Death”, Los Angeles Times, 9 Mèi 2001.
  2. Allen, M., “Décor by Timothy Leary”, The New York Times, 20 Januwarè 2005.
  3. Epstein, J., “Rebuilding a Home in the Jungle”, San Francisco Chronicle, 13 Maret 2005.
  4. Woodard, “Musica lætitiæ comes medicina dolorum”, Der Freund, № 7, Maret 2006, kaca 34–41.

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